October 6, 2021

Happy Birthday to me!

I love no day of the year more than my birthday. This year is no exception. Think about it people, you might be getting another year older, but this day really is the ONLY day of the whole year that is all YOURS! Maybe it's because my mom always made it into a big deal, letting us choose dinner, and a birthday dessert that she would happily make with "extra love" or maybe I just like it because the people I surround myself with know how much I love it and make it into a big deal even when it's annoying or inconvenient. (I love my people!!)

But my favorite thing is that my mother will call me every hour on the hour to tell me what she was doing on the day she went into labor. It's hilarious, I'm serious all moms should do this. I have heard the story a million times, but it never gets old. And, this year is even more of a bonus because this year I get to spend the day with my mom. No phone calls necessary, she can just talk me through the whole day while sitting next to me. (I sure do love you mom!)


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