Training Week 5
Dear readers,
I love when you e-mail me and comment on my posts. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, even when you are correcting my grammar or telling me about a spelling mistake (you see that I correct those things once you tell me about them right??)
Before I list my training for this upcoming week and what I did last week I want to address one thing. I got an e-mail this week, and it’s not like I get hundreds of e-mails, so I really do read them - the question in the e-mail was “why do you work-out so much when you’re already so tiny?” … I feel that this warrants a quick run down of reasons why I get out and sweat each week…
- I sleep better
- I can tolerate more dairy
- I am less dramatic (ask my husband!)
- It makes me happy
- Endorphin highs are addicting
- I like the feeling of accomplishment when I can check each work-out off my list
Those are just the superficial reasons, the truth is I want to live a healthy life… so, I ask you reader… Why don’t you work-out? You don’t have to do as much as I do, just go for a walk! 30 minutes is easy to carve out of your day if you make it a priority.
Oh and I’m not tiny, but I do have a small frame. The reality is my parents are small people who produced small children. Rant over.
Last week, on cross training days - I walked the dog and did the following work-out I found on Pinterest! Here’s the source.
And this week’s training looks like this…
How is your program going? What are you doing this week to get out and sweat?
I totally get why you workout. Don’t listen to the naysayers. I find my physical heath is so tightly tied to my mental and emotional health. If I feel like crap physically, I feel the same way emotionally.
It’s all about feeling your best! Why would you want to live life any other way?